accreditationThe 2020 WGCC National Conference has been accredited by the following provinces: New Brunswick For New Brunswick lawyers, this program has been accredited for 5.5 hours of CPD learning activity by the Law Society of New Brunswick. Saskatchewan For Saskatchewan lawyers, this program has been accredited for 4.5 hours of CPD learning activity by the Law Society of Saskatchewan. Ontario The “2020 Women General Counsel Canada National Conference You, Only Better - What You Need to Know to Kill it in Life and at Work” program, held on January 23, 2020 has been accredited for 2 hours of Professionalism Content. The Professionalism Hours have been allocated as follows:
Substantive Hours The Self Advocacy/Negotiation Workshop contains 2.5 hours of Substantive content. Quebec Training activities held outside the Province of Québec and approved by another Canadian bar or foreign bar as part of a Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) program of that other bar are automatically recognized by the Comité sur la formation continue obligatoire: British Columbia For British Columbia lawyers, we have received accreditation from the Law Society of British Columbia. The following events were approved: Self Advocacy / Negotiation Workshop, Taking Your Leadership to the Next Level by Channeling Your Inner Hercules and Your Inner Buddha, and the TedTalk: "The Happy Secret to Better Work', for a total 4.5 CPD hours. Alberta For Alberta lawyers, consider including this course as a CPD learning activity in your mandatory annual Continuing Professional Development Plan as required by the Law Society of Alberta. Newfoundland and Labrador For lawyers from Newfoundland, consider including this course as a CLE learning activity in your mandatory annual CLE Annual Report as required by the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. Nova Scotia For Nova Scotia lawyers, consider including this course as a CPD learning activity in your mandatory annual Continuing Professional Development Plan as required by the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society. |