The 2023 National Conference, themed ROADMAP TO TRANSFORMATION, will take place over 2 sessions, both in a hybrid format.
The FIRST segment of the Conference will take place on February 8th at 10:30 am, following the WGCC Annual General Meeting (which begins at 10:00 am). The SECOND session will be held on June 7, 2023.
When: Wednesday February 8th from 10:30 am until 12:00 pm (EST) – starting right after the WGCC Annual General Meeting. For people attending in person, there will be time to network from 12:00-12:30pm.
Where: This session will be hybrid, with the IN-PERSON session being hosted at the Toronto offices of our sponsor McMillan LLP located at Brookfield Place, Suite 4400, 181 Bay Street, Toronto. When you register, please let us know if you plan to attend in person or virtually to assist McMillan LLP in preparing the venue for us.
Details for connecting VIRTUALLY will follow.
Cost: Free, included in your WGCC membership.
CPD: We will keep you updated as we pursue qualification for CPD credits.

10:30 am – 12:00 pm EST
Part 1: Transforming the General Counsel Office: Where Do You Start, What Should You Know
Presentation by Paul Pepin, Founder of LexGo Inc.
For this year’s theme of “Roadmap to Transformation”, we are focusing first on the imperative for the General Counsel to assess and optimize their office, whether as a sole GC or a manager of a large or global team.
Paula Pepin, Founder of LexGo Inc., will share her expertise on scaling the legal department with an overview of current trends, and provide a framework for how to approach a transformative project in the legal department, including a discussion of legal operations, developments in technology and opportunities for greater efficiency in the GC office.
Participants will leave with a usable framework to approach a transformation and tips for success.
Part 2: Tales of Transformation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Panel Presentation with Ratika Gandhi, Head of Legal and Compliance, Corporate Secretary, Alcon Canada Inc. and Cinda Serriani, Associate General Counsel, Legal Affairs for Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc., moderated by Julie Han, Partner, McMillan LLP
We will follow Paula’s presentation with a panel discussion moderated by Julie Han, Partner at McMillan LLP, showcasing the experiences of Ratika Gandhi and Cinda Serianni, 2 members of WGCC who will share their stories of transformative projects.
This part of the session will give participants the opportunity to hear directly from GCs who have had the experience of running projects and who will share their personal learnings: the good, the bad and the ugly!
We will have time for an open discussion and look forward to hearing from any of our participants about their own experiences- the wins, the challenges, the learnings- with projects which changed the way the GC office operates.
12:00 pm- 12:30 pm
There will be time to network and grab a bite after the session for those who want to stay!