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7th Annual Women GCs on Boards Program, Vancouver – Ace Your Board Interview
Presented in Partnership with Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP and Women Get On Board Inc.
November 16th, 2023 – 11:15 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
We are delighted to once again be partnering with Blakes’ Vancouver Office on the 7th Annual Women GCs on Boards event, a cornerstone of our shared mission to help women general counsel secure opportunities on boards by honing their board value proposition and broadening their networks.
This year, the in-person program focuses on providing practical advice, intelligence, and tools to enhance your interview skills, empowering you to show up with courage and confidence to lead and serve on boards. This workshop is ideal for those seeking their first not-for-profit board position and experienced professionals looking for paid corporate board seats. Deborah Rosati, Founder and CEO of Women Get On Board Inc., will kick off the program with a dynamic keynote presentation, followed by an insightful panel discussion and facilitated breakout sessions, where experienced directors and board recruiters will share their stories as both interviewers and interviewees.
Workshop topics will include:
1. The board interview process
2. The role of the executive search firm in the interview process
3. Types of due diligence to conduct before the interview
4. Preparing yourself for the board interview
5. Understanding your board value proposition
6. The value of practice
If you are interested in attending, please contact Lauren Cyprus at
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