The 2023 National Conference, themed ROADMAP TO TRANSFORMATION, takes place over two sessions, both in a hybrid format.
Following a successful first segment last February 8th, the SECOND part of the Conference will take place on June 7th beginning at 1:00pm (EST).
When: Wednesday June 7th from 1:00pm - 5:30pm (EST)
Where: This session will be hybrid, with the IN-PERSON session being hosted at the Toronto offices of our sponsor, McCarthy Tétrault’s at 66 Wellington Street West, Suite 5300, Toronto.
When you register, please let us know if you plan to attend in person or virtually to assist McCarthy Tétrault in preparing the venue for us.
Cost: Free, included in your WGCC membership. You must be a WGCC member to attend, so don’t forget to sign up to become a member now!
CPD: We will keep you updated as we pursue qualification for CPD credits.
Virtual log-in details will follow
WGCC Conference Agenda - June 7, 2023
1:00pm – 5:30 pm EST
SESSION 1: How to Stress Wisely (1 hour) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Presented by: Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe
Achieving and maintaining personal and professional excellence in challenging times requires a different approach — we need to learn how to stress wisely.
Presented by Keynote Speaker: Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Expert on Resiliency and Workplace Wellness
Unparalleled stress, unrest, and uncertainty are becoming common and readily accepted. As a result, the blast radius is wide, and the collateral damage is people not living a well-life despite their best efforts. Achieving and maintaining personal and professional excellence in challenging times requires a different approach — we need to learn how to stress wisely.
In this keynote, Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe explores her eight-dimensional framework for cultivating authentic wellness that is sustainable, practical, time-efficient, and realistic. She shares research-informed tactical strategies for moving theory into committed action, and big ideas with real world applications, such as fostering emotional regulation and gauging psychological safety.
By learning how to apply key insights for building awareness, personal and team accountability, and habit formation, Women General Counsel can implement stress and recovery systems that are built on the foundation of self-stewardship and high performance. By doing so, we enhance our personal and professional effectiveness and capacity for navigating whatever comes our way.
To view Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe's bio, click here
SESSION 2: Unlocking the GC Potential – Envisioning Your Personal Brand (75 min) 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Presented by: Nina Boone
As a General Counsel, you are one of the most important members of your organization’s leadership team. Yet all too often, the true value you and your in-house team offer to the organization is not fully understood or appreciated. The reasons for the gap in actual and perceived value are complex and vary widely by organization and GC. For women GCs, unconscious bias may also be a factor. To unlock the full potential of you and your team and advance your career, you need to take steps to increase your visibility and articulate your unique value proposition (aka ‘Personal Brand’) both within and outside of your organization.
In this program, you will hear from a personal branding expert and D&I leader, Nina Boone, Senior Client Partner, North America Leader, Diversity & Inclusion, Korn Ferry, about the journey of self-discovery that will lead you to better understand your value proposition, shift perceptions and realize your full potential. This will be followed by an interactive networking exercise designed to expand creative thinking and communication. Through a three-dimensional facilitated thinking and problem-solving exercise, it will assist in creating richer critical thinking, decision-making and innovation. This exercise will inspire confidence, expanded capabilities, and a greater sense of accomplishment.
To view Nina Boone's bio, click here
Break: 3:15 pm – 3:25 pm
SESSION 3: Intentional Inclusion - The General Counsel As EDI Strategy Leader (1 hour) - 3:25 pm - 4:30 pm
Presented by: Charlene Theodore
Recognizing that it takes intent to create an inclusive workplace, you as General Counsel are uniquely positioned to influence and/or direct a system-wide, sustainable Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy. Ultimately, you have the ability to create a roadmap to success, regardless of where your organization is within its EDI journey. InclusionNow, a first-of-its-kind in the Canadian legal profession, combines diversity, inclusion and corporate social responsibility into a single plan, fostered by a more inclusive culture focused on allyship and education.
In this session, Charlene Theodore, Chief Inclusion Officer, McCarthy Tétrault will provide an overview of how organizations can promote intentional and sustainable diversity & inclusion using The InclusionNow Method: 7 Steps for Every In-House Team and how GCs can position themselves to provide leadership to this evolving mandate. This will be followed by an diagnostic exercise to see where your organization falls within their EDI journey.
To view Charlene Theodore's bio, click here
Closing Remarks & Networking Reception (60 min) - 4:30 pm. - 5:30 pm
Generously hosted by: